V angličtine existuje 12 základných časov, ktoré sa delia na prítomné (present), minulé (past) a budúce (future), pričom každý z nich má štyri formy: jednoduchý (simple), priebehový (continuous), dokonavý (perfect) a dokonavý priebehový (perfect continuous).
Čas | Použitie | Príklad |
Present Simple | Opakované dejy, fakty, rutiny | I go to school every day. |
Present Continuous | Dej prebieha práve teraz | She is reading a book. |
Present Perfect | Skúsenosti, dej začal v minulosti a trvá doteraz | We have lived here for 10 years. |
Present Perfect Continuous | Dôraz na trvanie deja | He has been working since morning. |
Čas | Použitie | Príklad |
Past Simple | Ukončený dej v minulosti | She bought a car last year. |
Past Continuous | Priebežný dej v minulosti | I was watching TV when she called. |
Past Perfect | Dej sa stal pred iným dejom v minulosti | They had left before I arrived. |
Past Perfect Continuous | Dôraz na trvanie deja v minulosti | She had been studying for hours before the exam. |
Čas | Použitie | Príklad |
Future Simple | Predpovede, spontánne rozhodnutia | I will help you. |
Future Continuous | Priebežný dej v budúcnosti | This time tomorrow, I will be flying to Paris. |
Future Perfect | Dej bude dokončený v budúcnosti | By next year, they will have finished the project. |
Future Perfect Continuous | Dôraz na trvanie deja do určitého bodu v budúcnosti | By 2025, he will have been working here for 10 years. |
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