Časy v angličtine – prehľad a rozdiely

V angličtine existuje 12 základných časov, ktoré sa delia na prítomné (present), minulé (past) a budúce (future), pričom každý z nich má štyri formy: jednoduchý (simple), priebehový (continuous), dokonavý (perfect) a dokonavý priebehový (perfect continuous).

1. Prítomné časy (Present Tenses)

Present SimpleOpakované dejy, fakty, rutinyI go to school every day.
Present ContinuousDej prebieha práve terazShe is reading a book.
Present PerfectSkúsenosti, dej začal v minulosti a trvá doterazWe have lived here for 10 years.
Present Perfect ContinuousDôraz na trvanie dejaHe has been working since morning.

2. Minulé časy (Past Tenses)

Past SimpleUkončený dej v minulostiShe bought a car last year.
Past ContinuousPriebežný dej v minulostiI was watching TV when she called.
Past PerfectDej sa stal pred iným dejom v minulostiThey had left before I arrived.
Past Perfect ContinuousDôraz na trvanie deja v minulostiShe had been studying for hours before the exam.

3. Budúce časy (Future Tenses)

Future SimplePredpovede, spontánne rozhodnutiaI will help you.
Future ContinuousPriebežný dej v budúcnostiThis time tomorrow, I will be flying to Paris.
Future PerfectDej bude dokončený v budúcnostiBy next year, they will have finished the project.
Future Perfect ContinuousDôraz na trvanie deja do určitého bodu v budúcnostiBy 2025, he will have been working here for 10 years.

4. Cvičenia

📝 Cvičenie 1: Doplň správny čas

Doplň sloveso v správnom čase:

  1. She ______ (study) English for five years.
  2. We ______ (go) to the cinema yesterday.
  3. This time next week, I ______ (travel) to Spain.
  4. When I arrived, they ______ (already/eat) dinner.
  5. Look! It ______ (rain) outside.

📝 Cvičenie 2: Vyber správny čas

Vyber správnu možnosť:

  1. She ______ (writes/is writing/has written) a letter now.
  2. I ______ (didn’t see/haven’t seen/hadn’t seen) him before.
  3. By the time you arrive, we ______ (will finish/will have finished/will be finishing) the work.
  4. He ______ (was playing/played/plays) football when it started raining.
  5. They ______ (are going/go/will go) to Italy next summer.

📝 Cvičenie 3: Oprav chyby

Nájdi a oprav chyby vo vetách:

  1. She has gone to school yesterday.
  2. I am knowing the answer.
  3. We was watching TV when she arrived.
  4. By next year, he will has finished his studies.
  5. They didn’t ate lunch yet.

Správne odpovede

Cvičenie 1:

  1. has been studying
  2. went
  3. will be traveling
  4. had already eaten
  5. is raining

Cvičenie 2:

  1. is writing
  2. haven’t seen
  3. will have finished
  4. was playing
  5. will go

Cvičenie 3:

  1. She went to school yesterday.
  2. I know the answer.
  3. We were watching TV when she arrived.
  4. By next year, he will have finished his studies.
  5. They haven’t eaten lunch yet.